Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Relax Deeply One

Twenty four yogis lining the mirrored walls of a tiny second floor studio in Hanalei.
"Yoga reunites you with your authenic nature." Bhavani

"In this world, everyones nervous systems is deranged. Seek stillness." Bhavani

We practice Child's Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Hero's Pose with Eagle's Arms, A reclining version with one leg extended, Head to Knee Pose, Cow's Head Pose on our Backs (!!), Pidgeon, Rabbit, Locust and Lion's Pose (face yoga). Each pose is held for a full five minutes, as soft shadows fade to darkness. The palms softly clack and the salt scented air is mixed with mango butter. Bhavani reads from Kibran's The Prophet; essays on Pain and Love. Many of us are uncomfortable if not in pain, not knowing when to release the ego aspect of our practice. Ahimsa,or non harming oneself is a basic premise of yoga. Breathe, relax, feel, watch and allow yourself to be present in each moment. Being present here is such a blessing and restorative tonic.

Dan prepares a lovely Honu Chicken with peppers and freshly grilled pineapple. It goes well with a glass of Pinot Noir. We watch more South Pacific, singing along.

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