Monday, March 19, 2007

Back to Yoga, Beaches and Painting, Hmmm

I am so glad it's Monday. The ninety-minute classes are barely enough. I can't tell you how I love and appreciate time on my mat. I worship and breathe, revel in every pose and degree of radiance. Is this what dying is like? Anyway, I am back to the Practice.

I am sorry I cannot recall more of the experience. There were cat and cows with the feet and thighs together, downward dogs by the dozen, warrior A, B and C (?, not one two and three.) There was a triangle and a squat. * Oh, by the way, not everyone is physically able to place their feet flat on the floor. Is has to due with bones, which we Cannot stretch. ! smiles/
You knew that?! Right.
A forward bend and a cobra and a twist. Savasana was standard, except for some words. Tara wasn't really into her heart today, probably a function of it being Monday.

From Judith Lasater on Monday March 20. . .
Honor your divinity; honor the divinity of others as well.
Today say a silent Namaste for everyone you see or talk to.

That's it! Tara said, "Namaste, May there be freedom,happiness,and peace in your heart."

Dan picked me up and we bought a sack lunch at the Dolphin, which we ate at the Kilauea Lighthouse. He scanned the seas for turtles, dolphins and whales. I settled down to paint. I so groove on creation . . . it's my meditation.

Tonight Opah tacos and hawaiian music as we linger on the lanai, as the sun sets on another perfect day in paradise. Be well!! Susan

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