Monday, March 12, 2007

Hanalei Yoga

In a soft, melodious and commanding voice, Tara says,
"Surrender to the Divine"
"Allow yourself to surrender and fly!"

We are practicing Viparita Karani otherwise known as Legs up the Wall, for Savasana.
My body soars, and my ivory length of vertebraes sway suspended like a marionette. The tailbone dusting the earth, it writhes to a distant tambourine. I am dancing for Jo'an: to bring healing to her spine. Pingala and Ida enter weaving colorful threads around this maypole.

Class is over. Dan arrives to take us to lunch at Charo's old place, now Mediterrenean Cuisine. A Tabouleh Salad,Luau lager and a coconut baklava are yum.Then we go to the beach and enjoy watching the surfers frolic.
We swam earlier today at the pool. A dog paddle lap for Mirage and a side stroke lap for mom. ( I love picking 'apples'.)

It has been warm and cloudy most of the day: humid. Tonight is the welcome reception and of course we won a free movie!

Dan sits on the lanai as night descends and I will join him in search of the whales. What is there about searching the ocean for a blowspout? We never tire of this pastime.

Tonight's featured film is South Pacific. Severe weather and a flash flood watch is in effect overnight. "Take precautions now."

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